Dear Member
It has been a while since our last newsletter, but activities have been quiet. We have not had any demonstrations as we were not covering our costs of the demonstrators’ fees and the hire of the Arts Pavilion. Unless we have enough members and visitors coming along we are unable to subsidise the expense of holding demonstrations. Likewise, we have had to postpone the water mixable oils workshop as not enough members put their names down to cover the cost of the day. However, we will arrange another date for this in the new year so look out for news of this on our website. An email will also be sent to those members who have provided their email addresses.
We have been given a number of picture frames which are free for any member to pick up from the workshop. They are on the plans chest and on the floor at that end of the workshop. The frames are different styles and sizes and could save you money when framing your pictures. Some of the frames already have pictures in belonging to the donor. You might like the frame and picture together! Please come and help yourself to the frames. Not many things are FREE but these are!
The Hand In day for the Winter Exhibition will be 16th November at the Denington Galleries in Springfield House. Bring in your paintings between 10 and 12 midday or, if you attend one of the groups, you may do so then. We look forward to a plentiful display of pottery as that is always popular with visitors to the exhibitions. Hand in day for that will be Monday 25th November and information will be on the notice board in the pottery. Please remember to put your names down to invigilate for at least one of the sessions when we are open. It would be great to have every slot filled as we are only open for a week: Saturday 30th November to Sunday 8th December in the Oak Room (downstairs). Let’s hope the weather is kind and people will be out and about and calling in to look around.
Please make sure you complete the attached form and hand it in with your pictures and fee. The form is a necessary requirement, not an option! It helps us to keep track of who has submitted what. I attach a form for you. For those members who receive emails, there are 2 versions – a PDF and a Word document. Some people have previously reported problems with the Word document, which happens if you are operating an old version of Word. So hopefully there will be no problems this year as you should be able to print off the PDF.
Please ensure that you take posters to put up wherever you can. The A5 size can be displayed in rear car windows. These will be available on hand in day and on the desk on the landing or in the workshop.
We have sadly lost three of our long time members this year. Barry Ephgrave, Molly Madgin and Dave Swales. They have contributed a huge amount to the Arts Society for many years and will be greatly missed.
Please let the committee know if you have any ideas for recruiting new members. Word of mouth is good, so if you have any friends or family who would like to come to painting or pottery groups, please bring them along. New people are always welcome and new groups can be formed if there is a time when anyone would like to start a new one. Several sessions are available at the moment.
Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept unwanted equipment, materials and books. We do not have the space to store them and have had to take items to the charity shop in recent months. Donating to charity or selling on Ebay is always an option when having a clear out.
OSCA are having their Christmas lunch on Wednesday 18th December so if you would like to enjoy a delicious turkey lunch, see Heather the Community Centre manager for a ticket.
If you think you can contribute to the running of the Society, please talk to a committee member.
Mary Green
It has been a while since our last newsletter, but activities have been quiet. We have not had any demonstrations as we were not covering our costs of the demonstrators’ fees and the hire of the Arts Pavilion. Unless we have enough members and visitors coming along we are unable to subsidise the expense of holding demonstrations. Likewise, we have had to postpone the water mixable oils workshop as not enough members put their names down to cover the cost of the day. However, we will arrange another date for this in the new year so look out for news of this on our website. An email will also be sent to those members who have provided their email addresses.
We have been given a number of picture frames which are free for any member to pick up from the workshop. They are on the plans chest and on the floor at that end of the workshop. The frames are different styles and sizes and could save you money when framing your pictures. Some of the frames already have pictures in belonging to the donor. You might like the frame and picture together! Please come and help yourself to the frames. Not many things are FREE but these are!
The Hand In day for the Winter Exhibition will be 16th November at the Denington Galleries in Springfield House. Bring in your paintings between 10 and 12 midday or, if you attend one of the groups, you may do so then. We look forward to a plentiful display of pottery as that is always popular with visitors to the exhibitions. Hand in day for that will be Monday 25th November and information will be on the notice board in the pottery. Please remember to put your names down to invigilate for at least one of the sessions when we are open. It would be great to have every slot filled as we are only open for a week: Saturday 30th November to Sunday 8th December in the Oak Room (downstairs). Let’s hope the weather is kind and people will be out and about and calling in to look around.
Please make sure you complete the attached form and hand it in with your pictures and fee. The form is a necessary requirement, not an option! It helps us to keep track of who has submitted what. I attach a form for you. For those members who receive emails, there are 2 versions – a PDF and a Word document. Some people have previously reported problems with the Word document, which happens if you are operating an old version of Word. So hopefully there will be no problems this year as you should be able to print off the PDF.
Please ensure that you take posters to put up wherever you can. The A5 size can be displayed in rear car windows. These will be available on hand in day and on the desk on the landing or in the workshop.
We have sadly lost three of our long time members this year. Barry Ephgrave, Molly Madgin and Dave Swales. They have contributed a huge amount to the Arts Society for many years and will be greatly missed.
Please let the committee know if you have any ideas for recruiting new members. Word of mouth is good, so if you have any friends or family who would like to come to painting or pottery groups, please bring them along. New people are always welcome and new groups can be formed if there is a time when anyone would like to start a new one. Several sessions are available at the moment.
Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept unwanted equipment, materials and books. We do not have the space to store them and have had to take items to the charity shop in recent months. Donating to charity or selling on Ebay is always an option when having a clear out.
OSCA are having their Christmas lunch on Wednesday 18th December so if you would like to enjoy a delicious turkey lunch, see Heather the Community Centre manager for a ticket.
If you think you can contribute to the running of the Society, please talk to a committee member.
Mary Green